Friday, March 19, 2010

BYU Hawaii

See full size imageTess has officially accepted her invitation to attend BYU Hawaii. After some research and pondering, she feel confident that her decision is the right one. When she announced her decision, I immediately thought, "We'll HAVE to go visit her in Hawaii", and then I thought, "Wow, that makes three kids living outside the continental United States!" We feel very blessed that our children have started to become adults and are making good decisions as they are starting to leave home. This is what I have discovered will occur over the next five years: 2010 Tess leaves for college, 2011 Jessica goes to college, 2012 Ethan and Amanda go to college/Seth and Travis return from their missions, 2013 Aarun goes to college, 2014 a one leaves home, 2015 Evan and Alyssa leave for college! Late fall 2015...empty nesters. By my count, that's only five years. Some of my "friends" have reminded me that I could be a grandmother by that really possible? Thanks, "friends"!

1 comment:

  1. You are busy! What about missions in there for the boys! Congrats Tess! We just may need to visit you too in Hawaii!
