Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In a "Holding Pattern"

We had a great weekend, as Seth and Travis went through the temple for the first time. It is interesting to view them as adults more so now than before. As the title mentions, we are in a "holding pattern" waiting for the boys to leave on their missions. Travis leaves for Hiroshima, Japan on October 19th. That's less than one month (for those of us who are keeping track). I have decided that I must fly him out to Provo and deliver him to the MTC myself. Everyone's work schedules do not permit us to make a pilgrimage to Provo, but I couldn't bring myself to drop him off curbside at the airport! So, I will be dropping him off curbside at the MTC.
I am not sure if everyone realizes that missionaries are no longer accompanied into the MTC for a short farewell ceremony as has been done in the past. So, we will be arriving on a Monday night, spend Tuesday touring Salt Lake City and the BYU campus...and then it's farewell until October of 2011. Wow, 2011 that's a long time from now.

Seth, on the other hand, will be dropped off at the airport. Seth had the pleasure of spending three weeks in Florida with his grandmother. He had a great time! We made a "deal" that this trip took the place of us flying him down to Provo ourselves. Seth will leave for Provo on November 4th. His cousin, Nick left for the same country (Dominican Republic) today! Both Seth and Travis will be in the MTC together for Thanksgiving...the thought of them being "together" brings me a sense of peace and contentment. Seth will leave the Provo MTC in late November, heading for the Dominican Republic MTC for 9 more weeks of training. Travis will linger in Provo until January 4th. Seth is excited to be serving in an area where he will learn a new language and be able to serve the Lord in a way that he has not done before. The missionaries in our ward have made good use of Seth (and Travis) as they take them on discussions with them. What an exciting time this is for our family. Everyone is looking forward to hearing all about the adventures and challenges that the boys will surely face over the next two years.

We were able to purchase a "countdown" poster from Deseret Book last week...Seth and Travis will have a well documented mission! It was nice to see them pick out a missionary journal along with a new scripture bag and a pocket-sized hymnal. Seth received his missionary suit ( he was told to only purchase one...and that it will be left in the mission home) and a very nice watch for his birthday on Sunday. I guess you could say that our preparations are well underway!
See full size image

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